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Amazing Tomato Pasta

This is a signature(?) food of my family. We are very sensitive eaters except me. It is hard to find a menu that all of us can enjoy together. This tomato pasta is one of the few we can eat together. But it has to be made real authentic. Staring from home-grown...

Why did Hitler kill Jews?

This is an interesting insight from a book called, “지적 대화를 위한 넓고 얕은 지식” in Korean. The author views world history developed based on economic situation. Germany after the World War 1 needed some kind of war in order to overcome their economic difficulties....

Exclusivity of Christianity (기독교의 배타성)

이글은 Tim Keller라는 목사님의 설교를 좀 쉽게 이해할수 있도록 한국어로 정리한 글입니다. 전체 설교 audio랑 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요. 이 topic은 지난주 목장에서 나온 얘기인데 대부분 공감하는 내용이면서도 대부분 자세한 답을 가지고 있지 못한 그런 주제입니다. 기독교의 주장데로 따르면 예수님을 믿지않는 모든 사람은 구원을 얻지 못한다는 뜻인데 이런 교리를 어떻게 믿지않는 사람에게...

The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel

(if the video does not stream automatically because it is pretty big, you can download from here) “The Case for Christ” is the title of the well-known book by Lee Strobel. You can search about the book and author. He is just an journalist. He is not a...

The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, but something else entirely – a third way of relating to God through grace.

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Center Church

“Center Church” 라는 이책은 Tim Keller라는 뉴욕맨하탄에 있는 Redeemer Presbyterian Church의 담임목사가 쓴 책입니다. 이 사람은 한때 Philadelphia에 있는 Westminster Seminary에서 교수를 했던 적도 있습니다. 그리고 이 신학교는 손원배 목사님이 나오신 신학교이기도 하지요. 아무튼 이책의 주제는 복음이 중심이된 교회의 모습에 대해 자세하게 기록하고 있습니다. 보통 책들보단 아주 신학적이긴...

Academy of Ideas

I was reading about Diogenes, who is an Greek philosopher known as Cynic and I happened to find this web site whose vision is to spread the knowledge without barrier. It has not just about philosopher, but many other great individuals. Most of videos are short and...

The Gospel Coalition

I was searching an original source for the reference that Tim Keller used in his sermon, “Gospel” based on Isaiah 53. The reference was “Christ wins our salvation through losing…” Tim Keller mentioned that it was from a writer, but did...

How to read the Old Testament

This is my personal view on the Old Testament. I have learned that many churches and seminaries also have adapted a similar view. However the church you go to or the tradition you belong to may not be in align with my view. My intention is not confuse you or object...

The Story of Balaam

Question 1: What is the point of the Balaam story in Numbers 22 – 24 (or what are its points)? Is Balaam a good guy or a bad guy or what? The point of the Balaam story is that even though we understand God’s command we can be tempted away from obedience to God. In the...