If you are not interested in the church history, this kind of magazine is no use for you. But if you are this is very good source of information. I was surprised to see how good the quality of information. You can also download PDF version for free. Of course you can pay and subscribe the printed edition. If you look at the list you can find many interesting issues such as
- 100 Most Important Events in Church History
- Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible
- America’s 20th Century Evangelical Awakening
- C.S. Lewis Pointing People to Reality
- Christians & Muslims
- Thomas Aquinas: Greatest Medieval Theologian
- The Wesleys, Founders of Methodism
- How the Irish Were Saved
- The Rise of Pentecostalism
- Heresy in the Early Church
- How We Got Our Bible, Canon to King James
- The Crusades
- Martin Luther: The Later Years
you can view more in the back issue list and selected issues.
If you are doing some research on any of these topics, this magazine could a good source.
I love it.